Legal Notices


The website is edited by EuroCompliance SAS, a company registered in Paris (France) under the number RCS 827 451 147 (VAT number FR 69 827 451 147), having a share capital of 30,000 Euros and its principle place of business at 33 avenue de Wagram, 75017 Paris – telephone number +33 (0)1 42 24 86 18 – email address:
The publishing director is Céleste Cornu.
Creation and webdesign: Carton Rouge, 61, chemin de Jaffary, 31200 Toulouse France,
The website is hosted by: OVH, 140 quai du Sartel, 59100 Roubaix France, 08 203 203 63 n° indigo (0.118 €/min.)


EuroCompliance undertakes to make its best efforts to provide the users with access to the website at any time. However, Eurocompliance may not be held liable in the event of a non-availability of the Website, for anycause whatsoever. Eurocompliance does not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of the information displayed on its website, nor the permanence of its proper functioning or total IT security. The information provided by EuroCompliance are indicative. Eurocompliance is not liable for the proposed links to websites regarding the content and condition of access that are managed by third parties.

Users acknowledge that they have access to the present legal notice and commit to respect it. Users recognize that they use the information and tools available on the website under their exclusive responsibility.It is strictly forbidden:

  • copy, display, modification, partial or full extract of the information and data on the website or necessary to its operation;
  • all corruption, unauthorized downloading, DDoS attack, interception of information and website content, attempt to circumvention or security degradation of devices, phishing, fraudulent entrance on the EuroCompliance’s infrastructure etc.;
  • and more generally all Any utilization of the Site that fails to comply with the original spirit and or compromised the integrity or the access of the website, and /or exclusive rights and interests of EuroCompliance.


For users, the site provides access to Eurocompliance offers and invites contact to EuroCompliance for further information or services, price and/or contact request. When an email or a form sent to Eurocompliance via the Website contains personal data to be used by Eurocompliance to respond to the request or to directly contact the user. This data shall not be transmitted to any third party.
In accordance with the provisions of the French data Protection Act (article n° 32) n°78-17 of January 6th, 1978 as modified (loi informatique, aux fichiers et aux libertés), users are entitled to data entry, modification, including rectification or removal of relevant personal data concerning said users. Users have the right to object to the processing of their personal data for legitimate purposes as well as a right to object to the use of these data for marketing prospection purposes.
To exercise their rights, users shall send a letter to EuroCompliance, along with a copy of ID document to the following address: EuroCompliance, 33 avenue de Wagram, 75017 Paris France or by mail at the following address:

The Websiteuse “cookies”. EuroComplianceuse technical cookies strictly necessary for the supply of the service (IP address, used navigator and OS number of Web pages visited, address of the provenance website, etc.). Furthermore EuroCompliance use these cookies to execute statistical operations. To this end, EuroCompliance work with providers, programmes or third  party components. These are most likely to record the cookies on behalf of EuroCompliance.
The user has the possibility of opposing the recording of cookies. The user is free to configure his/her web browser or to call third party software to devise specific rules dealing with cookies. If the user does not accept the cookie, the internet user will not be able to benefit of all the software functions associated with the characteristics of the Website.

Users of the website shall comply with the provisions of the law N°78-17 relating to information technology, files and civil liberties of 6 January 1978, as amended, the violation of which may incur criminal sanctions. Notably, users shall abstain from any collect, misuses and, generally, any action, likely to invade the privacy of harm the reputation of persons.


The website, taken as a whole, as well as each of the components taken individually, including the specific software and developments and the contents including data, texts, fixed or animated images, logos, sounds, graphs, files, are the exclusive property of EuroCompliance or of third parties having granted a license thereto. Any total or partial representation of the website or of one of the components composing said website without the express authorization of EuroCompliance is prohibited and would constitute an infringement sanctioned by articles L.335-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code.
The databases displayed on the website are protected by articles L.341-1 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code, and any qualitatively or quantitatively substantial extraction or re-use of the content of these databases is subject to sanctions.
The trademarks and logos displayed on the website are trademarks filed or registered in the name of EuroCompliance or third parties. Any reproduction, imitation or use, whether total or partial, of these distinctive signs without the express authorization and in breach of the prohibitions set out in articles L.713-2 et seq. of the Intellectual Property Code, incurs the liability of the author thereof. It is therefore forbidden to reproduce, imitate to use the logo of the ISO 37001 certification without meeting the requirements of use of the EuroCompliance certification mark obligations under this Regulation.


Read the General terms and Conditions for Training Services

Read the Bylaws


Read the General terms and Conditions for Certification Services

Read the Regulations for the certification of anti-bribery management systems

Read the Trademark rules


This Website and these terms of use are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of France.


EuroCompliance reserves the right to modify the present legal notice at any time and without prior notice.

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